
7 Effective Tips for Attempting the Class 12th Accountancy Exam


Scoring well in the Class 12th Accountancy Exam requires not only a good understanding of the subject but also an effective strategy for answering questions. In this article, we’ll provide you with 7 examination tips to help you approach the exam with confidence and improve your chances of success.

1. Read the Question Paper Thoroughly

  • (i) Utilize the first 15 minutes: Use the initial 15 minutes to read and understand the questions carefully. This gives you a clear idea of what’s expected and helps you plan your answers.
  • (ii) Re-read the questions: Go over the questions a second time before starting to write. Identify key points and understand the examiner’s requirements to avoid mistakes.

Key Takeaway:

Carefully analyzing the questions before starting ensures you avoid errors in understanding what is being asked.

2. Attempt Questions in Sequence

  • (i) Follow the order: Answer the questions in a sequence, especially within each section. If you’re unsure of an answer, leave space and move to the next one.
  • (ii) Number your answers clearly: Always mark your answers with the question number. This makes it easier for the examiner to follow your responses.

Key Takeaway:

Attempting questions in sequence and clearly numbering them helps in maintaining clarity and ensures you don’t miss any marks.

3. Handwriting and Presentation Matter

  • (i) Write legibly: Neat handwriting can earn you more marks. Even simple answers written clearly have a better chance of scoring well.
  • (ii) Presentation counts: Avoid unnecessary cutting and mistakes, as they can leave a bad impression.

Key Takeaway:

Good handwriting and presentation make a strong impression on examiners and can lead to better marks.

4. Include Working Notes and Rough Work

  • (i) Show proper working notes: Organize your working notes neatly, as they are often marked in practical questions.
  • (ii) Use a separate sheet for rough work: Keep rough work on a different page rather than cluttering the answer sheet.

Key Takeaway:

Showing clear working notes ensures that you get the marks you deserve, even if the final answer is incorrect.

5. Stepwise Marking and Time Management

  • (i) Use stepwise marking: Write each calculation step by step, as partial marks are given for correct steps even if the final answer is wrong.
  • (ii) Manage your time wisely: If you’re stuck on a question, move on to the next one and come back to it later.

Key Takeaway:

Stepwise marking ensures you don’t lose marks, and efficient time management helps you complete the paper on time.

6. Formatting and Accounting Rules

  • (i) Use a pencil for formatting: When drawing Ledgers, Balance Sheets, or any other formats, use a pencil. This allows you to correct mistakes easily.
  • (ii) Don’t forget Dr. and Cr.: Always include “Dr.” and “Cr.” in your accounting statements, and remember to note the date, transaction details, and amounts correctly.

Key Takeaway:

Proper formatting and following accounting conventions ensure that your answers meet the necessary standards.

7. Separate Your Answers

  • Leave space between answers: Always leave 2-3 lines between answers to make your paper look neat. This also makes it easier for the examiner to identify where one answer ends and the next begins.

Key Takeaway:

Leaving space between answers enhances presentation and reduces the chances of the examiner missing any responses.


By following these 7 examination tips, you can approach your Class 12th Accountancy exam with more confidence. Effective reading, clear handwriting, proper formatting, and managing your time will help you avoid common mistakes and score higher marks.

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